Assisted Living

If you need a helping hand or more aid, we offer a variety of assisted living-like services to fit your unique needs. At Deupree House and Marjorie P. Lee, we call them "Plus" packages that are delivered within our Residential and Independent Living households. At Episcopal Church Home in Louisville, KY, we call this level of service "Personal Care." 

Living Plus packages within our Independent and Residential Living households and buildings provide options for residents who may need some extra support and assistance in their independent living apartment. 

These services range from extra housekeeping or laundry services to regular medication reminders and enhanced dining options. We call these services, Plus packages, and they have been designed to provide the best value for the majority of our residents. Services are also available for those who may only need intermittent support.

Deupree Plus at Deupree House 

At Deupree House, we provide the options, and you make the choices. For more on the Deupree Plus packages within our Independent Living setting at the Deupree House, click here

Victoria Plus at Marjorie P. Lee 

At Marjorie P. Lee, it’s all right here if you need it. For more on the Victoria Plus packages at Marjorie P. Lee, click here

Assisted Living at Episcopal Church Home

Following state guidelines for Assisted Living, Episcopal Church Home residents can receive minimal assistance with activities of daily living. The monthly fee increases as these additional services are provided. 

The first level of expanded services includes medication administration and minimal assistance with bathing. The second level of expanded services includes medication administration, minimal assistance with bathing and dressing, and consistent assistance during the night.

With access to the services and amenities of our wider communities, there is a broad array of options available to you to ensure you stay as independent and active as possible, while still enjoying the lifestyle you want.

For more on Assisted Living at the Episcopal Church Home, click here


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